When it comes to managing your industrial air filtration and ventilation system in your facility, having a simple and efficient way to monitor, control, and interact with the process is imperative to maintaining a healthy and safe environment.
At Industrial Maid, we’ve thought of this too—and created the I-Maid Air Filtration Control System to help you optimize energy use, maintain air volume and extend the filter life of your T-Series Industrial Air Cleaners and I-Series Air Purifiers.
The I-Maid Air Filtration Control Panel with an intuitive touch interface exchanges information with factory programmed VFDs at each air filtration unit. The system automatically adjusts to filter loads and maintains airflow. The net result is lower energy use and extended filter life. Additionally, you can interface the I-Maid Air Filtration Control Panel with your building fire suppression and control systems to automatically shut down during an event.
We have been using this solution for several years to help keep employees safe, facilities clean, and operations efficient, and we want to help you do the same.
Questions? Let us know, we help thousands of companies find the right solution and would love to help you as well.
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Please select the product overview link below to understand further how we can help create a simple and efficient way to control performance and cost with the I-Maid Air Filtration Control System.
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We specialize in general plant air filtration, welding shop filtration systems, automatic and robotic welding cell filtration, and oil mist and particle control for any industry. Whether you challenge stems from welding fumes and smoke; laser and cutting fumes and smoke; grinding and deburring dust; dry dust; powders; machine processes; mist removal; sanding and finishing; vehicle exhaust or dust collection ? We’ve got you covered.